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Weekly tips & techniques to help you build your personal brand on LinkedIn

The ticket to paid speaking? Set up your own 5-figure LinkedIn event. (playbook included) linkedin tips personal brand personal branding Jan 19, 2023



Most professionals who hire me to build a profitable “expert brand” on LinkedIn list “book paid speaking events” as their number one priority. 

It makes sense, given four common products and services in the thought leader business model: 

  • A...
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Steal These Strategies from a Personal Brand “Side Hustle” Raking in $2 Million a Year brand strategy personal brand personal branding Jan 12, 2023

A month ago, I received no less than 3 separate text messages imploring me to read a CNBC article about Miss Excel, a 29-year-old Excel trainer (As in Microsoft Excel) who brings in a cool $2 million annually working about 3-4 hours a day.

Now before you roll your eyes and think, “This is...

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The Top 10 Non-Negotiable Tools I Use to Build My Personal Brand Online online business tools personal brand personal branding Jan 05, 2023

I’ve been actively building my personal brand online for over a decade now, and at the beginning of each year, my director of operations and I do a review of our personal brand toolkit to see which software and equipment are indispensable to my brand.


Here are my top non-negotiables...

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How to Turn Bad Social Media Habits into Brand Building Habits linkedin tips personal brand personal branding social media Dec 15, 2022

Want to know a potentially damaging secret? I am not too fond of social media. I know…shocking. I’m a personal branding expert who teaches professionals how to build an online following, and I dislike many aspects of social media. I’m a walking contradiction, I recognize this....

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