Packages Serve as the Foundation for an Automated Marketing and Social Selling Strategy
Creating packages also serves as the basis for building a content marketing or digital strategy.
Without creating packages for your service offerings, you aren’t getting super specific about who’s the best fit for your service based on demonstrated needs and necessary budget.
If I use the example of my business, I was offering “marketing and branding consulting” services. But the needs of my solopreneur clients vs. the needs of larger corporations and the respective price points for those solutions vary drastically.📈
As a result, I was writing broad marketing blogs that could apply to everyone instead of content reverse-engineered from my packages that spoke directly to the concerns and pain points of those people who are ideally positioned to buy into them.
Save yourself time, and take out the mystery and confusion for your prospects by having packages and levels of service offerings for your business.
Once you map them out, you then can come up with content topics in the form of blog posts, videos, and checklists that speaks to the need of prospects who would buy that package, and then you have an actual landing page for them to come to and buy the package on their own accord.📌
How to Create High-Value Packages that Motivate People to Buy from You
Now, creating high-value packages that are designed to excite and motivate prospects to buy from you is an art.
It requires shifting what we see as assumed responsibilities and repackaging them as a tremendous value add’s.🎁
Don’t kid yourself, this isn’t about developing clever copy that “tricks” consumers. This is about being practical about the level of service you provide and being very confident in explaining that.
If you’re stuck, go ahead and grab the free 6-page worksheet I’ve created that walks you through exactly how to build high-value packages for your clients.
You’ll understand which packages are most profitable, you’ll see how to map out all the deliverables of each package, and you’ll learn how to word them in a way that excites prospects and oozes value.
You can grab it here:👈